February 5, 2025
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Affordable and powerful banner Management
phpAdsNew is an open-source ad server, with an integrated banner management interface and tracking system for gathering statistics.
With phpAdsNew you can easily rotate paid banners and your own in-house advertisements.
You can even integrate banners from third party advertising companies.
Banners, buttons and much more...
phpAdsNew can handle different types of banners in various sizes.
Thanks to our flexible delivery engine it can handle regular banners and buttons, pop-ups, text ads, DHTML banners and much more.
phpAdsNew is the only ad server that can handle tracking of Flash banners which aren't specially prepared.
Targeting and capping
Thanks to an advanced targeting system phpAdsNew can deliver different banners based on many different parameters, such as keyword, IP address, domain, weekday, hour of the day, language, browser or operating system. It is even possible to combine these parameters and use logical operators to create very specific situations in which banners are delivered